Debra and Olivia

Are you tired of buying a lot of bulky, messy lip product containers that take up valuable space in your bag? Look no further! TEARandGO is here to revolutionize your on-the-go beauty routine.

Debra, just like you, recognized the need for a sleek, pocket-friendly solution to bring her favorite lip product wherever she went. 

That's when Olivia and Debra, the visionary creators behind TEARandGO, driven by their passion for sustainability, embarked on a journey to revolutionize how we carry and use lip products. With their innovative mindset, they got creative with a DIY concept that would eventually evolve into the patented design for TEARandGO.

With utility and design patents obtained in 2014 and 2021, respectively, TEARandGO is ready to share its incredible design and functionality with the world!